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Here are many comprehensive resources to help you take action! Protests, petitions, and other actions have traction, as we have seen lately. Most importantly, exercise your right to vote; voter suppression wouldn't exist if voting didn't matter.


Reminder: There is no neutral position on racism. Inaction is complicity!


It's our responsibility to learn about the history of our country. Textbooks and mainstream media is largely run by white people and almost always fails to give an accurate picture of the historical and present relationship between Black people and America. We have to learn the full history and facts, especially by listening to the voices of the Black people who are and have been experiencing systemic racism. Additionally, we must learn about ourselves. We must reflect and check ourselves to see what biases and assumptions we have as individuals.

Listen to Black Voices Page

History Page

Facts Page


You have the most power to change yourself by identifying biases and working to eliminate them. You can also identify your privileges and use them in beneficial ways. You also have influence on friends and family. Having uncomfortable conversations about implicit bias and systemic racism is a major component to eliminating racism.

Post on Implicit Bias - @soyouwanttotalkabout

Post on how to use privilege - @averyfrancis

*Conversations Page: answers to questions from friends and family


Voting is your responsibility as a citizen of the United States! Please vote not only in the general election, but also vote in your primary and local elections. While national legislation is important, local policies are super important too. Some people don't get to be citizens, so do your duty! Also, check with all of your friends and family members to make sure they are registered and prepared to vote. - register to vote, get reminders, find your polling location - get your absentee ballot - register to vote and see what's on your ballot - become a poll worker


This is one of the simplest actions you can take to support the movement. This page includes links to petitions to get started. Make sure that you read, understand, and agree with the petition before you sign it!

Pending Petition Carrd: Petitions that haven't met their goals

Black Lives Matters Carrd Petitions List

Doc w/ Petitions List

15% Percent Pledge of shelf space to Black-owned businesses


You can donate to the organizations leading the movement. You can also donate to bail funds to support protesters in virtually every state. You can donate to largely Black schools and communities. You can donate to Black-owned businesses. Additionally, you cant support Black-owned businesses simply by purchasing their products or eating at Black-owned restaurants. (Note: it is not recommended that you donate to because they keep the money.)

Organizations Page

Black-Owned Businesses Section of the Support & Donate Page

"Where you should and should not donate"

List of where to donate including many bail funds

Black Lives Matters Carrd Donation List

Donate FOR FREE by simply watching a video


Protesting is an active way to object against racism, injustice, and unfair systems, policies, and practices. We as non-Black people are called upon to use our privilege in protest by creating a barrier between Black people and police or the military. Protesting comes with risk. It is not recommended for those with health conditions to protest. Here are some resources you may find helpful or necessary. These links have resources in the case of injury, arrest, etc. Please be familiar with your rights before you go to protest!

Your Rights (ACLU)

Black Lives Matters Carrd Protester Resources

Doc w/ extensive resources

Spreadsheet w/ extensive resources


It's incredibly important to demand change not only from our representatives, but also from our governors, mayors, and other local officials. Contacting them can be as easy as a phone call or clicking a link to an email and signing your name. For greater effect and impact, you can preview pre-written emails or call templates and then write a message with your own words to add authenticity.

One Click Emails for Justice Carrd

Doc w/ Large Contact List

Find Your Representative

Find Your Senator


See how you can expand the Black Lives Matter movement!

Multiply the Movement Page


There are a number of things you can do to make anti-racism a regular habit. Prioritizing rest and mental health will give you more energy to fight injustice. Scheduling anti-racism in your day or week can also ensure that you continue to take action (e.g. 'Thursday 8pm - check for new petitions'). It may also benefit you to join an existing organization or create a circle of friends who take action together and hold one another accountable. Depending on your personality, at some point you may even feel overwhelmed by the size of the problem of racism. If that's the case, remember that it's perfectly fine to choose a narrower avenue or a more specific cause, and give that your best (e.g. focusing on access to technology for students in lower income primarily Black communities).

Action: List


In this section, you will find some of the organizations who are leading the fight for civil rights and justice. I highly encourage you to follow them on social media or subscribe to their newsletters so that you can stay updated and keep taking action.


"#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives."


"The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) formed in December of 2014, was created as a space for Black organizations across the country to debate and discuss the current political conditions, develop shared assessments of what political interventions were necessary in order to achieve key policy, cultural and political wins, convene organizational leadership in order to debate and co-create a shared movement wide strategy. Under the fundamental idea that we can achieve more together than we can separately."


"The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons."


"The ACLU dares to create a more perfect union — beyond one person, party, or side. Our mission is to realize this promise of the United States Constitution for all and expand the reach of its guarantees."


"Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by 1.7 million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America."


"Until Freedom is an intersectional social justice organization rooted in the leadership of diverse people of color to address systemic and racial injustice. At Until Freedom, we believe that those closest to the pain are closest to the solution, therefore, we focus on investing in those who are the most directly impacted by cyclical poverty, inequality, and state violence. We are a clearinghouse for advocates, new & budding activists, seasoned community organizers, students, movement lawyers, entertainers and artists, policy experts, formerly & currently incarcerated individuals, and survivors of gun violence to work linearly to uplift all of our people. Everyone is worthy, everyone is needed to win."


"The Center for Popular Democracy works to create equity, opportunity and a dynamic democracy in partnership with high-impact base-building organizations, organizing alliances, and progressive unions. CPD strengthens our collective capacity to envision and win an innovative pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial and economic justice agenda."

Action: List
say their names.png


So many Black lives have been lost to police brutality. This is only a fraction of the people who were killed. It's important that we remember and respect their lives and fight for their justice. Special thanks to @whoiszoeyao for creating this graphic.

Action: Image

The links (underlined text) on this site are not my own and will bring you to external sites. Illustrations are my own and should be credited to this website.
©2020 BLM Ally Guide.

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